• Версия обновления: (1.03) от 28 февраля 2015 • Требуемая версия: Любая • Таблетка: Вшита (3DM)
Raven's Cry Patch V 1.03 (February 28th 2015)
GAME STABILITY: - Fixed various crashes. - Several levels and physics changes.
MISCELLANEOUS: - problems with lipsync corrected - Raven position in cutscenes fixed - Pete cutscene fixed - Finishing moves added to fighting system - added guards to some cities e.g. San Juan - improved behaviour of guards - NPCs now should properly react to pushing them (push back, guarding stand, attack depends of behavior of CR) - Added tips for pause option when sailing and possibility to add player's marker on the map. - Improved fight mechanic. - Added cannibal chieftains models - Fixed cameras in dialogs with merchants and shipwrights - Fixed treasure chest on Isla Dauphine - Fixed 'escaping ships with no crew' issue
BALANCING: - Improved shooters' AI (they can fight also in close distance). - Hero's health points slightly increased. - Decreased price of throwing knives and pistol ammo.
QUESTS/STORY: (!!!spoilers alert!!! - please do not read, if you did not play the game so far)
Please note: Save Games from version older versions are compatible, but quest related bugs are stored in the old save games from version 1.00-1.02 - fixes of quest bugs will be only effective, if the game is re-started.
- added autosaves to Cumana's battles - fixed quest logs in English chain quest - Lancaster Quests: * Guards in his shop now should work as intended. * fixed dialogs in "Tornado" quest. * improved cave in "Brotherhood of the Black Wave" * Improved rewards from quests * Lancaster should now properly aid us in fight * Added autosaves before fights with Richard and Beston * Fixed some minor bugs in quest logs - Looking for Merceneries: * Andre and Michel should now fight as intended. - Spanish Chainquest added (after Landing on Redonda it will be accessible on San Juan [east side] by governor)
Deluxe Edition: - added quest log to Black Rock - modified treasures that can be obtained at Black Rock
Known Priority Issues (to be fixed in further Patches) - still 110 English VOs missing (1.04) - SLI/crossfire settings and other optimizations need to be fixed in upcoming graphics drivers
Upcoming Features: - Extended Benchmark functions - Steam Workshop support Raven's Cry Patch V 1.02 (February 13th 2015)
NEW FEATURES: - Added Benchmark in Settings menu. * this is the first version and will be extended * the test allows to change the graphic detail settings according to the system performance - Added Language selection in Settings (texts/voiceovers).
GAME STABILITY: - Fixed crash after opening map in Temple level. - Several levels and physics changes.
BALANCING: - Increased HP of Man Of War. - Increased HP of Ship Of The Line. - Reputation system tweaked. - Random encounters balanced.
GUI: - Added visual hint when a fighting skill is ready to use. - Removed unnecessary map markers during tutorial. - Added information about hiring crew into Ship Tutorial.
MISCELLANEOUS: - Improved the look of several objects and levels. - Fixed few spelling errors. - Pliny is now properly named.
QUESTS/STORY: (!!!spoilers alert!!! - please do not read, if you did not play the game so far)
Please note: Save Games from version 1.00 and 1.01 are compatible, but quest related bugs are stored in the old save games from version 1.00/1.01 - fixes of quest bugs will be only effective, if the game is re-started.
- Fixed Agent on Santorio's Island. - Kensington's ship quest may be solved also by boarding ships. - Fixed first meeting with Avery. - Ray has to be killed in order to meet with his master. - Lancaster ("One last favor"): * fixed Quest Log entry and rewards, * officers should be more aggresive, * Lancaster should now properly avoid obstacles. - The Battle of Cumana: fixed ships behaviour (French faction) - Using flag works as intended (French faction) - breaking English faction quest by escaping encounter with Spaniards is no longer possible. - Battle of Cumana is now easier (English faction) - added information to quest log to distinguish both Mr. Dwights. - Cheng now can be hired after battle of Cumana. - fixed potential deadlock in English faction chain quest. - fixed bug blocking the French faction quest - Revamped "Dirty Dozen" quest: * Now there are two guard stations where Kensington's men hang out. One in Port Royale, one in Santo Domingo. * The Players needs to take the uniforms from chest in that guard stations (by force or sneak) - Revamped "Spice of Life" quest: * instead of a tournee of Caribbean the Player needs to poison the spice crates in Kensington's warehouse in Cumana (either by force or sneaking) Release Notes: Patch V 1.01 (February 6th 2015)
GAME STABILITY - Steam DRM encryption removed (improves overall stability and performance) - Random EXE crashes fixed - fixed bug causing hero to freeze in the air - fixed bugs with flying NPCs / enemies - Level fixes in Santo Domingo, Bridgetown, Port Royal, Saint George, Santa Muerte, San Juan
BALANCING: - ship mast HP increased - adjusted price of some goods - some balancing adjustments in skills
GUI: - tool tips added to Quest Log - Tutorial messages added to Quest Log - various corrections in quest log
GRAPHICS/LEVELS: - Various animations improved - Improved character models - Port Royal Ship markers Positions fixed - camera positions in various dialogues fixed - fixed bug with officer's models on the ship (but the hooker stays <img class="smile" src="images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" alt="Wink" align="absmiddle" border="0" />) - St. Domingo: ladders added - Santa Muerte: corrected stairs
SOUND: - missing German VOs added - missing English VOs added - some distance volume corrections
SETTINGS: - HD video clips - default set to OFF (please note, switch ON if system speed allows)
STEAM DELUXE AND PREORDER: - Unlocked Deluxe Edition items - Preorder Items will unlock Feb.8th 2015
QUESTS/STORY: (!!!spoilers alert!!! - please do not read, if you did not play the game so far)
Please note: Save Games from version 1.00 are compatible, but quest related bugs are stored in the old save games from version 1.00 - fixes of quest bugs will be only effective, if the game is re-started.
- Game Over message, while failing to defend Santorio’s Island now properly displayed - Kensington ship quest will be solved even if ships are boarded - France Fraction Quest: using flag in the Battle of Cumana now should work properly. - Blockade at British Waters now blocks efficiently. - Chests on Isla Dauphine now opens properly - British Fraction Quest is now available later in the game, not from beginning. - Additional Reales and Experience for Fraction Quests
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