New Features
Support for Steam Quickmatch, allowing you to quickly hop into games utilizing NAT traversal - More info HERE
http://www.serellan....ervers-and-you/ Support for Valve Anti-Cheat
Added “Team Messages” VO & Text Hotkeys (Z + Number Keys)
Enemy Killed
Enemy Sighted
Objective Secured
Flash Out
Frag Out
Holding Position
Man Down
Online & Steam Functionality
Steam/UE3 Authentication Updates to improve connectivity
You will no longer be required to be logged into Steam to save your Loadout settings
Fixed insertion point selection when not logged into Steam
When playing against someone who has not yet installed a patch (or if you haven''t installed the latest available patch yourself),
you should now have a more accurate message (instead of referencing a "downloadable content" mismatch)
Steam language selection should now function correctly
Removed Router message when unable to locate server
Player Servers now correctly display numbers of players in games
Gameplay Updates & Bug Fixes
Fix for camera collision in spectate mode in certain areas related to relative Z position of map
Many doors have been closed in various locations
Players joining a co-op mission in progress (after 1 minute) will be set to spectate
Named Loadouts “Recon, Assault, Breach, Sniper”
Provided a suppressor to Squad Mate Charlie
Team AI accuracy and response time increased
Increased Grenade Damage Range
Added audio indicators (beeps) to bombs in Att/Def to more easily locate them
Modify Loadouts button changed to “Save Loadouts”
UI no longer shows incorrect player counts in Last Man Standing
In Radar Base in Last Man Standing game mode, missing doors have been fixed
Body Armor mismatch fix for some characters
Fixed Audio Call for MP5SD that was causing it to sound unsuppressed
Fix for several Tango Hunt & Bomb Disarm Player Spawn points
Double Door Spawn on some Facility variants fixed
Updated several mis-translations in the Spanish version
Bomb in Biolab: Lab now properly lit
Misc. Localization fixes
Tuesday Hotfix Notes
Server list fix for ''No Servers'' message displaying before loading the list
Fixed spawn-points in ATT/Def HQ Alley.
Fixed Cargo Ship spawn points for Tango Hunt & Bomb Disarm.
Fix to introduce better exiting from the Quickmatch lobby.
Fix to resolve Quickmatch "Searching..." cancellation issue. The searching prompt will now cancel immediately upon clicking Cancel, or pressing ESC.
Countdown timer added to briefing videos in Single Player, alerting the player that a video is about to begin.
Fixed Controls Menu from reordering incorrectly.