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Игра: Skulls of the Shogun Версия:Update v1.12 Поддерживаемые языки:Rus/Multi Релиз-группа: iNLAWS Защита: Steam Требуемая версия игры для обновления:любая
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v.1.12 - Add "Limited" turn speed option for joining/searching for Skulls Online matches (matches any time limit) - Fix for player with bkgd search using any # of players would not correctly update open lobby slots if somebody else found that match using > 2 armies in their search. - Fix for improper matchmaking when background search is created with specific map & no gametype, and next player tries to join. search w/gametype specifically set. - Fix hidden rice paddy in MP 2P Lion''s Gauntlet - Fix alt-tabbing on load/delete game dialogs not reskining background properly - Rescan xact wavs in cases it fixes audio engine load fail issue on one machine. - Localization fix for text over run on Forgotten Isles info box on campaign map in some languages - Fix rare crash displaying emblem icon text
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