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Версия обновления: (Update 4-10) Требуемая версия: Call of Duty: Ghosts (Activision) (ENG) [L] {RELOADED} Таблетка: Присутствует (RELOADED)
============= Changelog == =============
Apr. 3, 2014 =============
Hotfix: - Fix for the infinite tactical grenade glitch. - Drop Zone added to the playlist.
Weapon Balance: - All submachine guns except for the MTAR-X and the Ripper received a min damage range increase. - The Bizon and the CBJ-MS received a max damage range increase. - Preferred Weapon calculation fix. - Fix for an exploit where players could put Muzzle Brakes on weapons with integrated silencers.
eSports: - Fixed a minor bug where the loadout restricted icons didn't update for clients when MLG rules are toggled.
Anti-Cheat - Fixed out of map exploit with sat com and ballistic vests. - Fix for exploit in Sovereign. - Fix for exploit in Freight. - Fix for rock penetration exploit in Whiteout. - Fix for the mod that could change the killstreak classification from Assault to Support.
Additional Fixes: - Made Clan Vs. Clan games count towards the challenges to play Team Tactical game. - Fixed an issue where the Friends List button helper appeared in a menu when it should not have. - MP Level up sound update. - Fix for the player’s match summary screen. - Ammo crate bug fix so you no longer improperly drop your weapon. - Fix so the player won't experience a black screen if a Helo Pilot is called out while watching a killcam. - Fixed an issue where unlocked squad members would only have a knife. - Dog killstreak icon will now be a wolf when the wolf guard dog skin is selected. - Improved bots behavior when using melee killstreaks. - Fixed bug to Prevent jugs from collecting equipment that they can no longer deploy.
New Features: - New Multiplayer lobby music. - Added the ability to build loadouts based on operations, or completely randomize them.
Extinction: - Memory optimizations to improve performance. - FX optimizations to improve performance. - Slowed down Seekers by defaulting to walk initially before they run at players. - Improved difficulty balancing across solo and co-op. - Fixed issues with container spawns not always triggering. - Introduced the Alien Armory and the collectible alien “Teeth” system. - Updated attachments privileges for the M27 and LSAT. - Adjusted the solo hardcore Nightfall difficulty. - Adjusted the offset positions for some of the weapons to better align them with the bottom of the pillage locker. - Fixed some locations that allowed players to pick up/purchase items through geo. - Moved some scavenge items that were clipping into geo and unobtainable. - Updated the solo and co-op hardcore difficulties. - Updated the hardcore challenges to better reflect what challenges should be triggered and where. - Adjusted the spawn table to prevent aliens from spawning in undesired locations. - Reduced the melee damage of the Phantom in solo. - Fixed lobby focus issues with entering and exiting videos. - Update the “Long Shot” challenge for Nightfall. - Fixed FX issues with flares not always displaying the green FX. - Fix conflicts between a placed IMS and some traps. - Fix issue for late joiners so that they could contribute to active challenges. - Pet aliens can no longer cause the “Melee Only” challenges to fail when they kill an alien. - Players no longer see weapon based challenges when the “Pistols Only” Relic is active. - Fixed case where if a user holds the ADS button while they fire a Venom-X gun and continued to hold the button the grenade explosion and effect would be invisible. (Nightfall and Mayday) - Fixed case where some challenges were awarding multiple skill points. - Cleaned up logic for deployable items between hosts and clients. - Fixed host migration issues with locker keys not displaying in the HUD. - Last stand icon no longer shows in coop games after being revived. - Included Rhino kills on the “Kills” leaderboard. - Fixed spawning animation issues after a host migration. - Integrated new lobby music for each map. - Disabled the ability to activate special abilities while controlling the Trinity Rocket. - Removed Burst Fire as an attachment for locker weapons.
Mar. 4, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Features: - Allow Free Fall to be available for everyone. - All challenges are now active operations at once. - Main Menu layout update. - Update to Gold Camo tracking. Now shows how many camos left to unlock Gold. - Added Hunted Free For All leaderboard. - Added Weapon Operations to the Operations menu.
Stability: - Removed tracker sight exploit on Warhawk.
eSports: - Made changes to Clan v Clan: Remove bomb timer sounds, and restrict Ghillie suit use. - Fix for not allowing people in an eSports system link game from viewing third person. - Fixes issue where CODCaster icon was erroneously showing up for remote players on a private match client machine. - Fixed issue that could cause a user to get booted for repeatedly changing classes during match. - Fixed issue where preset camera buttons were not working while the fullscreen map is up.
Additional Fixes: - P2P auth improvements. - Fix for false positive VAC ban message when Steam servers are non-responsive or if the user's VAC status cannot be determined. - Fix to destroy planted explosives if they are placed on top of a care package and then care package is claimed before explosive. - Fix for players that switch teams to see correct colored notifications when their allies use kill streaks. - Fix KD history not updating in team matches that expire on time. - Fixed the title only displaying the first two characters of the user's gamertag in a Private Match lobby when that user does not have the same map packs as host. - Fixed weapon information in Player Card to allow proper weapons to be seen in clan details. - Fixed minor graphical bug related to UI rendering. - Various bug fixes regarding non-active controllers following invites. - Fixed a thermal sight issues that could allow the user to skip the raise animation. - Fix for player "Time Played" category overlapping text. - Fixing issues where guest accounts can open the leaderboards menu. - Fixed an issue where the challenge "Sponge III" was not tracking as expected. - Fixed an issue where the XP points popup showed for kills in killcams. - Fixed issue where monthly/all time filters didn't work for the squads leaderboards. - Fixed rare instance where player is unable to call out a killstreak or care package after earning.
Extinction: - Casual mode added to Local and Solo matches - limited achievements available and no leaderboard posting. - Hardcore Mode added to Local, Solo, and Custom Matches for Point of Contact and Nightfall. - Numerous fixes to Nightfall. - Reduced the radius for Explosive Ammo. - Fixed a cash exploit while dropping money. - Fixed a bad location on Nightfall for one of the Stay in the Marked Area challenges. - Nightfall now properly tracks "Mission's Completed" on the Player Card. - Point of Contact and Nightfall Leaderboards now both properly track Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The columns were reversed in previous TUs.
Feb. 19, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Features: - Added FOV slider to the MP PC menu. - Added leaderboards for Gun Game. - Added functionality to view the clans of remote players. - Allowing soldiers to invite to clan in Call of Duty App. - Added extra loadout slot support for Call of Duty App. - Added link to the store from customization submenus. - Added diamond clan icons to clan details page.
Stability: - Fixed lag that could occur when host rapidly changed classes. - Fixed crash that could occur when player is killed while controlling a vehicle killstreak. - Optimizations for AMD graphics cards. - Performance improvements for modes using bots. - Fixed loss of controller issue that occurred when second controller signed in after a non-signed in first controller tried accessing the store. - Host migration optimizations. - Fixed lost connection issue that could occur when lobby breaks after accepting the game invite. - Fixed reactive motion jitter issues with local split-screen players.
Anti-Cheat: - Updated ban messages to be more specific when appropriate. - Overall anti-cheat improvements. - We're working closely with the Valve security team to make the best use of VAC to catch cheaters and hackers.
Weapon / Perk Balance: - Patched 3rd person throw animations for explosives when using the Riotshield. This change moves the shield to the side exposing the thrower to attack.
eSports: - Fixed a bug where MLG spectator would lose controls when using advanced video options while spectating a match with many players. - Removes delay for lobby member broadcaster icon when enabling/disabling it. - Fixed a bug where MLG spectators couldn’t see enemies shooting on the minimap. - Fix null string translation bug found when playing eSports rules coming out of spectate. - Fixed cycle players button not functioning when the mini-map is displayed. - Fixed issue that caused the eSports rule set header to carry over onto the system link menu.
Additional Fixes: - Updated nVidia hair and APEX DLLs. - Killstreak count is correctly maintained across rounds in SD/SR/Blitz. - Fixed some spawn issues specific to Stormfront. - Fixed broken operations (must play one ranked game to fix data). - Improved spawns on Whiteout. - Fixed issue where players can make the bomb disappear by planting on top of their IMS/SatCom, then destroying the placeable. - Fixed the progress bar improperly displaying "contested" if 2 players entered the flag's capture radius, then one player left or was killed. - Fixed rapid fire popping animations that would occur when deploying an IMS or Sentry then immediately pressing up on the d-pad. - Fix Infected bug where PDW was not shown initially when spawning in. - Fixed text overlap when highlighting clan vs clan playlist. - Fixed sign-in issues that would occur when accessing the store with different controllers. - Fixed error with Clan Roster menu.
Extinction: - Fixed issue where some camo’s were not applied correctly in game. - “Escapes” leaderboard is now displayed in the correct order. - We now track Armory level completions as “Escapes” on the Escapes leaderboard. - Fixed issue where players would sometimes switch back to their pistol after reviving players. - Fixed issue where splash message would sometimes not appear when scavenging. - Fixed an exploit with the deployable money feature. - Fixed issue with voice over playing when players are in last stand or when a player has died. - Added Relic bonus to the post game score screen.
Jan. 28, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hotfixes: - Killstreak count maintained across rounds in Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue and Blitz. - Shorten countdown timer for Clan v Clan playlist. - Extinction alien balance adjustments.
New Features: - PLAYLIST UPDATE: Gun Game replacing Heavy Duty. - PLAYLIST UPDATE: Adding Hunted FFA. - PLAYLIST UPDATE: Add eSports Rules to Clan v Clan (except friendly fire), and 1-4 persons can join. - Added Heavy Duty health options to Private Match. - IED damage adjustment based on player stance and IED location (for damage reduction: jump over IEDs below you, go prone for overhead IEDs). - Added Operation progress bar to the After Action Report that pops up after MP matches. - New MP lobby menu music. - Social feed addition. - New stick layout options for Southpaw. - Disable party chat in Search and Rescue, Search and Destroy and Infected. - Added 5 new Prestige Ranks to Extinction. - Customization for player appearances (Create a Soldier) added to Extinction.
Stability: - Fixed Sniper animation issue that could break the viewmodel. - Load time improvements for Flooded, Strikezone, Warhawk. - Fixed a couple bots related performance issues. - Fixed loss of functionality issue that would occur when two crates were stacked if player attempted to capture bottom crate. - In Private match, disable “Start Match” if party members are missing selected map. - Fixed rare case of incorrect bot display amount in Private match. - Various spawn improvements.
Anti-Cheat: - Prevent players from using more loadouts than normal. - Block users from sharing camos and reticles that aren’t previously unlocked. - Anti-cheat prevention improvements.
Weapon / Perk Balance: - Dead Silence/Amplify Adjustment - Dead Silence completely silent including equipment, sliding, and footsteps. Amplify users can still hear a scaled down version of the footsteps and sliding sounds. - Slight AK12 Increase on view kick. - Adjusted reload times on L115 and USR. - Reduce burst fire cool down of MSBS.
eSports: - Removed stalls caused by the host changing loadout in eSports games. - Silent plant, silent defuse in Search and Destroy. - Added killstreak count to eSports scoreboard. - Improvements to MLG Broadcast mode for highlighted players. - Added Domination flag capture bar to Broadcast mode. - Added R3 to toggle enemy player outlines in Broadcast mode. - Prevent eSports players (except COD Caster) from switching to 3rd Person Spectate cam. - Added ability to select players when mini-map is enlarged in eSports. - Fixed FOV issue that occurred in Broadcast mode. - Fixed functionality issue that occurred if both thumbsticks were pressed while spectating a mantling player. - Fixed issue which kept eSports rules enabled after losing internet connection. - Add notification when spectated player gets a kill in Broadcast mode. - Fixed text overlap bug that occurred when mini-map was enlarged. - Better team identification in the MLG hud. - Fixed killfeed color bug that occurred for spectators. - Prevent crashes when COD Caster changed teams quickly. - Restrict Ghillie Suits when eSports rules enabled (replaces with different game models). - Fixed a Broadcaster Mode bug where the preset camera indicator wasn't getting reset between rounds. - Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode. - Added team names to in-game scoreboard for Broadcast mode. - Restrict Tracker Sights in eSports rules. - Restrict Danger Close in eSports rules. - Additional Broadcast mode fixes (better team identification in the HUD, simplified Scoreboard toggle, etc). - Additional eSports fixes.
Additional Fixes: - Fixed a couple resizing issues that would occur when switching to windowed mode. - Fixed sound issue in the mixing code. - Fix for shadow flicker on ATI crossfire setups. - Fixed Single Player crash when switching SSAO on in-game. - Fixed friends list sorting issue. - PC fix for submitting a blank password when trying to join a protected private match. - Fixed issue where friends button was unclickable while viewing operations. - Fixed video options to properly save settings that don’t require video restart. - Fixed issue that occurred when selecting “Play as Squad member” with mouse click. - Updated text in option menus to better reflect "mute all" option. - Fixed prone accuracy exploit. - Adjusted difficulty of slide based operations. - Reduced lean, point blank & rescue reticle challenge requirements. - Search and Destroy bomb plant and defuse timers no longer wait for the weapon swap before starting. - Fixed matchmaking issue in Squads. - Display new icon in Operations when re-rolling Operations. - Fixed rare cases of losing Sentry Gun killstreak when killed while placing. - Menu fix for Operations. - Fixed bug that would show improper time value in match countdown timer. - Maniac, Juggernaut Recon and the Michael Myers are invisible to tracker and thermal sights. - Fixing bug where the playercards in Squad Reports were only updated if you went into the friends list or squad mode first. - Defaults loadouts correctly reflect the actual loadout in Private match. - Free For All scoreboard adjustment. - Fixed Trinity Rocket cancellation issue. - MP Lobby improvement for Character Display. - Combat Knife stats accuracy improvement. - Fixed friends list shuffle that would occur for clans that had members across platforms. - Killcam no longer goes underground on Warhawk. - Improved audio ambient system in Multiplayer. - Fixed Squads issue that would change mode icon when playing with a split screen guest. - Fixed core playlist selection reset issue. - Private match loadout bug fix. - Additional customization options added for Infected in Private match. - Improvements to Infected game mode. - Optimization to generic UI elements. - Fixed issue that could occur when squad member had specialist set as streak reward. - Fixed minor VFX issue. - Fixed under water killstreak exploit. - Increased XP earned from completed Operations. - Fixed issue that occurred when leader would leave clan. - Fixed Bromance Clan Op issue. - Fixed viewmodel loss issue in Safeguard. - Fixed rare challenges issue in Safeguard.
Extinction: - Fixed issue where some achievements could not be earned when moving from current generation to next generation platforms. - Optimized some FX to improve game stability and performance. - Fixed Trinity rocket issue where black/white overlay would remain on screen. - Fixed Trinity rocket issue where laptop could not be put away. - Improvements to the "Leper" challenge so that it appears closer to players. - Added "COD Account" selection to the Extinction menu to improve account linking for Extinction players. - Fixed bug where the "Death Machine" could obtain specialty ammunition. - Fixed issue where players defaulted to pistol after revival. - Fixed issue with accepting invites from custom Extinction matches where players would lose menu focus. - Fixed issue where double XP was not resetting when going into solo, custom or split screen lobbies. - Added a double XP icon to the Extinction lobby for when double XP is active. - Fixed trophy issues where players could not plant any more trophies even though it had not been depleted after throwing a hypno-knife. - Fixed issue where Feral Instincts would not default back to normal view after it depleted. - Added the rank and icon to the Extinction end game scoreboard. - Fixed issue where challenge timer would not appear when joining a game while a challenge is active. - Fixed issue where Relic bonus was not appearing in the end game scoreboard. - Balancing tweaks to the Sentry Gun and Death Machine abilities. - Added ranks to the in game splash notification message when a player ranks up. - Added player Patches to splash notifications for deployment items. - The Riotshield icon now tracks ammo while the shield is stowed. - Fixed issue where players would have no weapon on ladders. - Fixed issue where players would lose their weapon after getting off a ladder.
Dec. 23, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Features: - Heavy Duty mode. - 5 squad points granted to each soldier at the initial 5 levels of progression. - New loadouts added to Infected mode.
Weapon Balance: - Reduction in the flinch benefit of the Focus perk for Sniper Rifles. - ADS speed reductions and further adjustments to Sniper Rifle settings.
Additional Fixes: - Field Order adds 100xp on pickup. - Fix for unlimited perks. - Invisible exploit fix.
Dec. 12, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stability: - Fixed PSM crash with smoke grenade. - Fixed an issue where the Squad Reports Screen would occasionally hang on a black screen. - Fixed black screen issue that would occasionally occur in clan wars bonus playlist. - Fix for a rare bots crash. - Improved operations functionality.
Weapon Balancing: - MSBS Range reduced. - MSBS no longer 2 shot kill to arms and lower legs (rewards accuracy). - Fire rate on MSBS and Burst Fire Attachment reduced.
Additional Fixes: - Added warning if video settings are likely to cause game to run low on VRAM resulting in low-res textures. - nVidia hair simulation update. - Fix for inability to bring up friends menu with mouse while in create-a-soldier. - Fix for Private Match showing an empty stats screen after a match. - Fix for past title entitlements not appearing properly. - Fixed issue that would occur when having hardline as last perk with specialist. - Fixed inconsistencies between SP and MP for a few patches and backgrounds. - Fixed rare issue with blinking objects (IED, SAT COM) if player left shortly after using. - Added no enemy callouts to incog perk description. - Fixed an issue where connecting to a Squads game could potentially see the buttons/title for an incorrect Squad mode. - Menu optimization for clan wars. - Fix for going to the store from the create-a-soldier menu. - Fixed incorrect indexing of perks with squads that had defined loadouts. - Fixed bots so they can open doors (Warhawk/Freight). - Fix for splitscreen issue when going to the store. - Blitz bug fixes. - Host migration timer bug fixes. - Fix for potentially not showing the in game "controller removed" popup. - Fixed splitscreen UI bug where the dom capture bar would be in the way of the reticle. - Fixed a couple bugs with the new icon. - Fix to clear unlock data when leaving post game lobbies to prevent seeing online unlock in offline modes and vice versa. - Added scrolling animation to social feed ticker. - Fix to validate reticle type even when switching sights. - Fixed long pause when enabling eSports mode after returning from non-eSports game mode. - Fixed a bug where the bomb planting bar would flash when spectating someone who planted the bomb earlier in the match. - Added icon to indicate bomb carrier on scoreboard in eSports mode. - Fix for sound issue when seeker explodes. - Fix for final escape being broken by player jumping off cliff after nuke activation. - Fix for drill disappearing when grabbing the drill after using SOFLAM. - Fixed unlimited weapon glitch in first contact. - Fixed animation issue when pressing RT before riotshield was out.
Nov. 26, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Performance: - Improved framerate performance when traversing moving platforms. - Improved latency for AMD graphics cards. - Improved performance issues caused by spamming. - Improved shader warming and level load performance.
Stability: - Fixed crash in CODeSports play. - Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. - Improved usability of broadcaster HUD. - Additional animations added for broadcaster mode. - Improved steam friends functionality. - Fixed smoke flickering and graphical corruption within blurred area of dual render scope. - Re-enabled fur and smoke DLLs from nVidia.
Additional Fixes: - Fixed a few map specific spawn issues . - Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. - Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. - Fixed dog's extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. - Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn't equipped. - Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. - Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. - Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. - Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped.
Nov. 19, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
New Features: - #CODeSports option added, providing further MLG support; Contains a Broadcast mode and the ability to enable the latest MLG ruleset in both online Private Matches and System Link.
Performance: - Nvidia SLI performance improvements. - AMD performance improvements, reducing in-game hitching on cards with 1Gb RAM. - CPU performance optimization for PC’s with less than 4 cores. - Changed the less than 6Gb RAM minimum spec. fence from a blocking error to a warning screen. - 4k display option added.
Stability: - Fixed a rare crash when quitting out of an MP match while calling in a squad mate with a riot shield equipped. - Fixed a crash which occurred when renaming a loadout as the match was starting. - Fixed a crash when the host of a Wargame match could crash if they are pulled out of the match while in a 5 player party. - Fixed an MP Siege rare crash on load. - Numerous other MP in-game stability fixes.
Key Changes: - Further spawn logic improvements. - Fixed a spawn exploit where players would always respawn at their team spawn within the first 15 seconds of a game, even if an enemy was nearby. - Increased XP rewards slightly for Operations and early tier weapon challenges. - Added leaderboard for Search and Destroy game mode. - Numerous map exploit fixes in MP and Extinction. - Numerous Anti-Cheat fixes. - Fixed collision bugs on multiple maps. - Infected now has its maximum players increased to 18 players. - Care package stacking exploit fix. - Increased Search and Destroy XP to give 10x XP instead of 5x XP. - Search and Destroy, now has its own online playlist.
Additional Fixes: - Fixed a very rare bug where player couldn't get their first squad member. - Fulllscreen, Alt+Tab and Minimizing bug fixes. - Improved character models rendering, when viewing players with the Gryphon. - Accuracy fix for Steam cloud-storage space check. - Spectator movement improvements. - Further support for the COD App. - Clan tags no longer missing a bracket when viewed in-game. - Dedicated server bug fixes. - Moving the game over to a second monitor is now saved. - Fix for seeing empty player name when joining a game in progress. - Reduced upwards velocity when performing a melee charge. - ADS while moving in a remote turret is now allowed. - Dog no longer twitch when player is too close. - Blur effect from being underwater persisted in killcam when player was killed with trinity rocket. - Ping for bots now returns a more accurate 0ms. - Fixing mouse scroll not working on the final scoreboard. - Fixed a very rare issue where the left pistol could shoot two bullets instead of one. - Preferred weapon stat in the player stats lobby page, is now accurate. - Vehicle explosions sometimes did not appear in killcams; fixed. - Fixed a bug in the Single player space mission; minimum specification PC’s sometimes failed the start of the mission due to being thrown into space at high velocity. - Fixed a rare issue with corpses flickering after prolonged play. - Disable the create clan button when the service is unavailable. - Added error popup to the Call of Duty Account button when the service is down. - Added an error message on the Clan section of the Friends List when the service is down. - When losing internet connection, then attempting to modify a loadout's perks, the game now returns you to the main menu. - Updated video graphics option to query for TXAA support. - Balanced the Focus Perk's view-kick scale. - Fixed bug where clan tag colors were not showing up on Clan Details page. - Fixed an issue where mantling while going through a blitz portal would sometimes not teleport the players. - Adding patch & background reward for Call of Duty Account Registration. - In Extinction, fixed a rare issue where the alien wouldn’t retreat. - On exit from the graphics options, the “Apply Settings” prompt was appearing when nothing had been changed; fixed. - Fixed an issue in Extinction when the hive chopper wouldn’t show up if an attack chopper was bought during a very specific window of time. - Fix for sometimes spawning from last stand without a weapon in hand in Extinction. - Fix for a few last stand revive weapon bugs in Extinction. - Added new MP spawn music. - Fixed an issue with the ammo counter sometimes not showing up properly in safeguard. - Fixed a rare issue where the Score/XP popup (i.e., +100) didn’t appear when killing a player in Squads Mode. - Changing the leaderboard filter then scrolling would sometimes cause the user to be sent back to a previous menu screen, fixed. - Fixed performance issues when quickly mouse scrolling with the wheel through leaderboards. - We now show dog tags to spectators in Search and Rescue. - Ensured the ratchet sound only plays when first entering the summary after a game. - Replace generic unlock icon (head/helmet/uniform) with text description of item. - Fixed a bug with shooting down a heli sniper with a gryphon. - Riot shield assists challenge balancing. - Fixed bug where if you moved the mouse over the member list you couldn’t go left with a gamepad. - Fixed operation completion bonus to account for multi-tier operations rolling over. - Improved UI messages to explain rewards. - Added a "Track Operation" button helper text in the operation selection menu. - Make it so the CoD Anywhere confirm button does not disappear when you back out of a field edit popup. - Fix for mismatched player cards in extinction mode. - Added thermal hybrid scope hint in extinction HUD. - Fixed an issue where backing out of a certain error popup would cause the player to sit in a lobby that wouldn't fill up in Squad Assault. - Fixed unlocalized text in the Extinction unlock screen for Extinction abilities.
Nov. 15, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hardcore Team Deathmatch re-spawn delay has been changed from 15 to 5 seconds. - Core Search and Destroy has been added to the playlists
Nov. 10, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Improved operations functionality. - UI Bug Fixes - Fixed issue with splitscreen players rank. - Fixed a rare crash with specific private match settings.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Update 4 to 10 (c) Activision
You do not need any previous updates for this release. Check the included .txt file for a huge changelog.
Outnumbered and outgunned, but not outmatched.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is an extraordinary step forward for one of the largest entertainment franchises of all-time. This new chapter in the Call of Duty franchise features a new dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive.
Fueling this all new Call of Duty experience, the franchise's new next-gen engine delivers stunning levels of immersion and performance, all while maintaining the speed and fluidity of 60 frames-per-second across all platforms.
Single Player Campaign
- Ten years after a devastating mass event, Americas borders and the balance of global power have changed forever. As what's left of the nation's Special Operations forces, a mysterious group known only as "Ghosts" leads the fight back against a newly emerged, technologically-superior global power.
- A New Call of Duty Universe: For the first time in franchise history, players will take on the underdog role with Call of Duty: Ghosts; outnumbered and outgunned, players must fight to reclaim a fallen nation in an intensely personal narrative. Gamers will get to know an entirely new cast of characters and visit locales in a changed world unlike anything seen in Call of Duty before.
1. Unrar. 2. Install the update. 3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to your game install directory. 4. Play the game. 5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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