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Скачать Unity Pro 5.3.5 p2 x64 [2016, ENG] через torrent

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Unity Pro 5.3.5 p2 x64

Год/Дата Выпуска: 2016
Версия: 5.3.5 Build p2
Разработчик: Unity Technologies
Сайт разработчика: https://unity3d.com/

Разрядность: 64bit
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует

Описание: Unity — это инструмент для разработки двух- и трёхмерных приложений и игр, работающий под операционными системами Windows, OS X. Созданные с помощью Unity приложения работают под операционными системами Windows, OS X, Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, Linux, а также на игровых приставках Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Есть возможность создавать приложения для запуска в браузерах с помощью специального подключаемого модуля Unity (Unity Web Player), а также с помощью реализации технологии WebGL. Ранее была экспериментальная поддержка реализации проектов в рамках модуля Adobe Flash Player, но позже команда разработчиков Unity приняла сложное решение по отказу от этого.

Приложения, созданные с помощью Unity, поддерживают DirectX и OpenGL. Активно движок используется как крупными разработчиками (Blizzard[4], EA, QuartSoft, Ubisoft[5]), так и разработчиками Indie-игр (например, ремейк Мор. Утопия (Pathologic), Kerbal Space Program, Slender: The Eight Pages, Slender: The Arrival, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Baeklyse Apps: Save the Bubble и т. п.) в силу наличия бесплатной версии, удобного интерфейса и простоты работы с движком.

06.06.2016 Обновлено до версии 5.3.5p2. Просьба перекачать торрент.

Android: Symbols for release libraries are now available in PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Variantions/*/Release/Symbols.
GI: Added a version number to the Lighting Data asset. Give the user a nice error message if their Lighting Data is out of date.
VR: Updated to version 1.4 of the Oculus API.


(769275) - Android: Fixed an issue where normals are not correctly oriented on some Adreno models.
(784822, 792574) - Android: Fixed the case where RenderTexture was released on resume after sleep.
(788821) - Android: Workaround for broken texture swizzles on Android 6 Mali GPUs.
(779058) - Animation: Another fix for performance issue on AnimatorOverrideController rebind.
(780836) - AssetBundle: Fixed the crash when calling AssetBundle.LoadAllAssetAsync() on a streamed scene asset bundle.
(768965) - AssetBundles: Added detailed info to print build size stats for normal asset bundles.
(778258) - AssetBundles: Check if we support the previous active build target before restoring.
(780252) - AssetBundles: Fixed the issue that AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies returned bundle itself as dependency.
(786259) - AssetBundles: Fixed the issue that old asset bundles were not removed to free space.
(789841) - Editor: Fixed exceptions when dragging non-regular textures (e.g. from DDS files) into scene view.
(789493) - Editor: Fix for password not hidden in editor.log.
(791288) - Editor: Fixed an issue with script assembly dependencies, which could cause custom windows to be disabled by user script compilation errors.
(769033, 769504) - Editor: Fixed crash when entering or exiting play mode while having a GameObject with a missing script reference.
(782204) - Editor: Fixed ETC1/AlphaSplit UI option not appearing under TextureImporter > Advanced mode.
(776880) - Editor: Fixed exception when renaming script outside of the editor.
(789845) - Editor: Fixed regression where switching platforms while using Cache Server could take much longer than previously.
(797822) - GI: Fixed ambient probe update when ground and/or equator color changed.
(790530) - GI: Fixed some cases of additive scene loading not merging lightmaps properly.
(784391) - Global Illumination: Fixed out-of-sync indices of Lightmaps when unloading additively loaded scenes while others are disabled.
(736754, 788007) - Graphics: Fixed deferred rendering issue on AMD GPU with OSX.
(782095) - Graphics: Fixed GPU Skinning performance issue each time the mesh becomes visible (some buffers were re-created without a good reason).
(none) - IAP: Fixed IAP IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase method not being called if Unity IAP was informed of a purchase for a product which was not requested during initialisation.
(none) - Inspector: Selecting a scene asset no longer shows "Message" and "Is Warning" fields in the inspector.
(711986) - iOS: Don't install Unity plugin unnecessarily. This caused killing of Xcode whenever the previous build was done with different version of Unity.
(775240) - iOS: Fixed the alignment of certain ARM64 functions which fixed a warning when building with Xcode.
(772570) - iOS: Fixed iOS plugin settings.
(790833) - iOS: Fixed crash when Abort was called on UnityWebRequest before downloading had begun.
(792062) - iOS: Fixed crash when scrolling multiline input field on some devices.
(782592) - iOS: Fixed issue where generating too many WWW requests or UnityWebRequests at once would cause the app to lock up.
(774472) - iOS: Quarantine LZ4 symbols. This caused AppStore rejections in any submission that referenced WatchConnectivity.framework .
(757618) - iOS: Support building to directory with non-existing parent.
(799708) - OpenGL: Fixed broken rendering on GLCore Windows editor.
(780820) - OpenGL: Fixed bufinfo op handling.
(786278) - OpenGL: Fixed gl_PrimitiveIDIn in geometry shaders.
(790740) - OpenGL: Fixed skinning issues on OSX.
(783713) - OSX Editor: Fixed UI text rendering on Radeon HD 4000 series and older AMD GPUs.
(775210) - OSX: Correctly determine native resolution for full screen applications.
(767793) - Prefabs: Fixed an issue with serialising objects with 64 bit file IDs, which could cause prefabs to become corrupt.
(none) - Scene Management: Fixed serialization of SceneSetup.
(775666) - Scene Management: Prevented adding a scene multiple times to the scene list via click and drag.
(784481) - Scripting: Avoid allocating GC memory during Coroutine iteration.
(791704) - Shaders: Fixed confusing behavior where Material's render queue would be overriden, when changing a shader on it.
(775067, 780644) - Shaders: Fixed crash during shader warmup in some cases.
(785905) - Shaders: Fixed crash that sometimes happens after deleting a shader, while materials are still trying to use it.
(776808) - Shaders: Fixed HLSL bitcast operations on fixed/half types not always translated into OpenGL/ES properly.
(744588) - Shaders: Fixed possible editor scene view picking crash, after reimporting shader with a GrabPass.
(794539, 792837) - UI: Fixed crash and flickering issues caused by sorting grid.
(764711) - UI: Added missing call to SetParentCanvas at CanvasRenderer::CanvasHierarchyChanged.
(782957) - UI: Fixed RectMask2D clipping incorrectly when nested canvases are present.
(784422) - UnityWebRequest: CORS request blocked due to x-unity-version header
(790610) - UnityWebRequest: Fixed an issue whereby Unity was not responding when trying to quit in headless mode.
(none) - VR: Added support for DirectX12 to Oculus VRDevice.
(none) - VR: Fixed Oculus VRNode values on the first frame.
(none) - VR: GearVR Context creation updated.
(774164, 795784) - Windows Store: fixed issues with UnityEngine.Networking when using Unity C# projects

Runtime: During crashes even if the stack walking is aborted with error (RtlLookupFunctionEntry returned NULL function. Aborting stack walk), Unity will display stripped stack trace instead of displaying zero stack frames.
(791792) - Windows Store: Expanded UnityEngine.WSA.Cursor.SetCustomCursor, if you pass 0 to this function, it will restore the cursor to arror icon.
(792507) - Windows Store: Improved 'NULL != certificate' errors, it will now provide a human readable message why it failed to create a certificate.


(778825) - 2D: Generate sprite mesh correctly for sprite with outline data after changing texture's max size setting.
(770093) - Android: Pause choreographer when activity is paused to fix CPU usage of Unity apps when the app is in background.
(790261) - Animation: Fix for animation stopping before reaching designated position.
(780289) - AssetBundle: Fixed the issue that failed to asynchronously load the object with script that had the same name as other assets in a bundle.
(780836, 761626) - AssetBundles: Fixed intermittent crash due to thread-safety issues.
(784401) - Editor: Fixed: No auto license updates since Unity 5.1.
(784822, 794090, 759483) - Graphics: Fixed some cases of incorrectly "Releasing Render Texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture", resulting in losing Camera.targetTexture - e.g. in case of device resume after sleep on iOS/Android, context-loss on DirectX or changing Emulation Layer in the Editor.
(787701) - IL2CPP: Load the stack value as unsigned for the conv.r.un opcode in IL.
(789160) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected managed stack traces which could have one incorrect frame when a NullReferenceException occurred.
(792606) - iOS: Fixed a crash when releasing WebRequest components.
(788483) - Samsung TV: UnityEngine.Ping has been fixed and will no longer report permissions issues.
(784481) - Scripting: Avoid allocating GC memory during Coroutine iteration.
(none) - Substance: Avoid re-generating ProceduralMaterials twice when switching color space.
(780071) - Substance: Fxed "Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint" error message appearing in console when assigning a ProceduralMaterial to a mesh.
(776052) - Substance: Fixed baked ProceduralTextures being serialized without their baked data.
(779560) - Substance: Fixed a crash in VisibleIf expression evaluation caused by looking up an input by label instead of by identifier.
(781118) - Substance: Fixed a crash when undoing a modification of the shader assigned to a ProceduralMaterial .
(762285) - Substance: Fixed GetProceduralXYZ returning 0 when used with an input's label instead of its identifier.
(none) - Substance: Fixed normal maps textures being incorrectly processed when used as image inputs to a ProceduralMaterial.
(779574) - Substance: Fixed ProceduralMaterials being stuck in "Generating..." state when leaving playmode as they are being computed.
(795563) - Substance: frozen ProceduralMaterials can now be cloned. Procedural properties of a cloned frozen ProceduralMaterial cannot be changed anymore, but regular material properties can.
(none) - Substance: ProceduralTextures being cached to disk/flash now have their size correctly taken into account when querying Caching.spaceOccupied.
(776803) - Substance: Speed up the processing of BakeAndDiscard materials when loading scenes.
(none) - Substance: Now warn the user when an input of a BakeAndDiscard ProceduralMaterial is being set at runtime.
(774423) - UI: Fixed occasional crashes when modifying elements of non-Overlay Canvases.
(790264) - UI: Fixed World canvas not rendering in editor game view.
(507878) - Windows Standalone: Launcher will correctly display unicode symbols for input bindings.
(none) - Windows Store: Added command line argument -dontConnectAcceleratorEvent, which could help to solve issues with XAML controls used together with Unity.
(790408) - Windows Store: Do not overwrite solution file when building on top.
(778842) - Windows Store: Fixed DisconnectedException while pluging/unplugin joystick from usb multiple times.
(792589) - Windows Store: Fixed an issue where user couldn't enter @ symbol with touch screen keyboard when spanish language is selected.
(790319) - Windows Store: Fixed an issue with generics, causing access reduction exception at runtime.
(792618) - Windows Store: Fixed Screen.orientation sometimes reporting incorrect value on startup.
(786277) - Windows Store: NetworkTransport.ConnectEndPoint will work correctly on UWP (required by secure sockets), note this function will not work on older Windows Store SDKs.
(790537) - Windows Store: Workaround a driver bug in Lumia 950, the screen was flickering when navigation bar was spawning or despawning. Basically we replace ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearDepthStencilView (which corrupts stencil buffer somehow) with a full screen quad draw call which clears depth/stencil.
Для разработки
<ol class="post-ul">
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10; Mac OS X 10.8+ (Windows XP и Windows Vista не поддерживаются; серверные версии Windows и OS X не тестировались.).
Графический процессор: графическая карта с поддержкой DX9 (шейдерная модель 2.0). Должны работать любые карты, выпущенные с 2004 года.
Остальное зависит, главным образом, от сложности ваших проектов.
Дополнительные требования к платформе разработки:
<ol class="post-ul">
iOS: Mac-компьютер под управлением OS X 10.9.4 или более высокой версии и среда разработки Xcode 6.x.
Android: Android SDK и Java Development Kit (JDK).
Windows 8.1 Store Apps / Windows Phone 8.1: 64 bit Windows 8.1 Pro and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2+.
WebGL: Mac OS X 10.8+ или Windows 7 SP1+ (только 64-разрядный редактор)
Для запуска игр Unity
Вообще говоря, контент, разработанный на Unity, будет идти достаточно гладко везде. А насколько хорошо - это зависит от сложности вашего проекта. Более детальные требования:
<ol class="post-ul">
Настольная система:
<ol class="post-ul">
OS: Windows XP SP2+, Mac OS X 10.8+, Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+
Графическая карта: с поддержкой DX9 (шейдерная модель 2.0). Должны работать любые карты, выпущенные с 2004 года.
Центральный процессор: поддержка набора инструкций SSE2.
Web Player (не рекомендуется): Требуется браузер с поддержкой плагинов, такой как IE, Safari и некоторые версии Firefox

iOS: требуется iOS 6.0 или выше.
Android: OS 2.3.1 или более поздняя версия; ARMv7 (Cortex) CPU с поддержкой NEON или Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 или более поздняя версия.
WebGL: Любая актуальная версия Firefox, Chrome, Edge или Safari для настольных компьютеров
Windows Phone 8.1 или более поздняя версия
Windows Store Apps 8.1 или более поздняя версия
addons - встроенные шейдеры, сервер кеширования, документация, примеры проектов, веб-плеер
crack - лекарство
support - модули для компиляции под разные платформы (по умолчанию только поддержка веб-плеера)
UnitySetup64-5.3.5p2.exe - установщик Unity
UnityStandardAssetsSetup-5.3.5p2.exe - установщик стандартных ассетов
1. Установить Unity
2. Установить стандартные ассеты.
3. Скопировать с заменой файл Unity.exe из папки crack в папку редактора Unity (при установке на диск С: - C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\)
4. Скопировать файл лицензии Unity_v5.x.ulf из папки crack в папку C:\ProgramData\Unity\
4.1 Если на диске С: нет папки ProgramData, включить показ скрытых файлов.
4.2 Если в папке С:\ProgramData нет папки Unity, создать её.
5. Запустить Unity для проверки.
6. Установить неодходимые вам модули поддержки и дополнения.

Внимание! AdBlock блокирует показ скриншотов, все вопросы к разработчикам )))

Трекер:  [ 06-Июн-2016 08:30 ]


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Размер .torrent файла 41 KB

Размер: 3.8 GB
Хэш (hash) релиза: 0d1d46159af26f31edcce90b9a4c7be80dee2f4e

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